
You can also find our Consultant Service to contact for the consulting

We’re a global stakeholder relations and partnership building consultancy.

Collaborate Consulting exists to find the place where to being seemingly disparate interests meet. From that point of the connection, we create platforms.

Strategic vision

A client once told us that where the others focus on one star one issue we see the whole sky.

Networks that span sectors

Over more than 20 years, we’ve fostered trusted relationships across government, industry and global forums.
Best Business Award ‘19
Family Business Award
Excellence in Exporting

We believe, the passion trying & skill can make a top-performing company.

Business Awards We Got!
Global Safety Award
Sales Excellence Award
Top Leading Global Trade
Logo design, Minimalist Logo, Business Logo, Azqaa Designs

We specialize in logo & Branding and offer design services to businesses of all sizes around the world, ultimately improving their bottom line by crafting creative solutions to their business problems.

Bethesda DC, USA
Kolkata, India
(10am - 06 pm)
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